Foreign Rights
In this section you’ll find information for publishers, editors, and agents interested in acquiring translation rights to our titles. We would be delighted to provide a reading copy of any title you would like to consider or further information such as reviews or a book prospectus in English. Many of our books have received Geisteswissenschaften International awards for funding of academic book translations from German or translation aids from Germany's Goethe Institut or other sources. Please contact us for details on possible subsidies.
Follow this link to download the current Foreign Rights Guide with upcoming books and recent highlights for which translation rights are available. See also two separate lists presenting the »kleine reihe«—vest-pocket volumes with texts that address today’s controversies, reinterpret theories, or revisit historical issues—as well as our series »Studies in the History of Violence«. Please also have a look at our list of selected backlist titles of special interest for international readers.