Foreign Rights

In this section you’ll find information for publishers, editors, and agents interested in acquiring translation rights to our titles. We would be delighted to provide a reading copy of any title you would like to consider or further information such as reviews or a book prospectus in English. Many of our books have received Geisteswissenschaften International awards for funding of academic book translations from German or translation aids from Germany's Goethe Institut or other sources. Please contact us for details on possible subsidies.

Follow this link to download the current Foreign Rights Guide with upcoming books and recent highlights for which translation rights are available. See also two separate lists presenting the »kleine reihe«—vest-pocket volumes with texts that address today’s controversies, reinterpret theories, or revisit historical issues—as well as our series »Studies in the History of Violence«. Please also have a look at our list of selected backlist titles of special interest for international readers.

Paula Bradish

Foreign Rights
Hamburger Edition HIS Verlagsges. mbH
Mittelweg 36, 20148 Hamburg, Germany
Send an e-mail

March 2022
464 pages, 11 images, 5 maps
ca 145 000 words
Available rights: all languages

Robert Kindler

Seal Kingdom
Russia and the Limits of Power in the Northern Pacific
Russland und die Grenzen der Macht am Nordpazifik

A gripping microglobal account of resource conflicts and imperial domination in the Northern Pacific region

»Easily forgotten: Russia and the United States waged battles over power and influence in the nineteenth century. Robert Kindler is to be commended for reminding us of a chapter of Russian history that is virtually unknown in Europe … This book reads like a prelude to the present, for it mirrors ongoing conflicts over influence, power, and resources.« — Thomas Speckmann, Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Read more about this book in English in the current Foreign Rights Guide or in German on our website. An exposé in English is also available for publishers interested in reviewing the book for translation. Please send your request to our foreign rights manager (email contact above).

September 2021
248 pages
ca 73 000 words
Available rights: all languages

Pablo Schmelzer

»Black and White, unite and fight«
The West German Leftist Movement and the Black Panther Party
»Black and White, unite and fight«
Die deutsche 68er-Bewegung und die Black Panther Party

»A book that is absolutely worth reading and one that enriches discussions about the [leftist and student movement] of 1968.«
Werner Bührer, Süddeutsche Zeitung

»Schmelzer is to be credited with having dared to explore unknown terrain between barracks and campuses to give a voice to previously overlooked experience.«
Jörg Später, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Read more about this book in English in our Foreign Rights Guide or in German on our website.

Out of Action: Life and Death of »Communist Prisoners« in Vietnam’s American War, 1965–1973

Marcel Berni
442 pages, 160,000 words
September 2020
Available rights: all languages

Recipient of the André Corvisier Prize 2020, awarded for an outstanding doctoral thesis in military history by the International Commission of Military History.
»Berni … warns against monocausal explanations, instead discussing a cluster of causes, including structural and situational, institutional, group dynamic, and individual factors. The result is a study of great importance, far beyond the Vietnam War, for the history of violent ›asymmetric wars‹, and a book that should certainly be published in English.«  Christian Koller, Portal Militärgeschichte

Doing Violence, Suffering Violence: A Sociology of Gang Rape

Vom Antun und Erleiden.
Eine Soziologie der Gruppenvergewaltigung
ca. 92 000 words, 312 pages
ISBN 978-3-86854-360-5
Hardback, April 2022
Available rights: All languages

A pioneering, in-depth sociological study of gang rape that offers fundamental insights for research on other forms of violence

»But what is most impressive is how patiently, respectfully, sensitively, and yet always clearly and precisely Laura Wolters gleans from the case studies she has selected new and important insights into the phenomenon of group rape—insights that are highly significant for transdisciplinary research on violence.« — Catherine Davies, Soziopolis